Duo Maxwell

Name : Duo Maxwell
Identity / Background : Pilot of Gundam Deathscythe, Deathscythe Hell & Deathscythe Hell Custom
Gender : Male (Don't mistake him for a female because of his hair!)
Age : 15 (in the 49 - episode series) 16 (in Endless Waltz)
Nationality : American
Place Of Birth : Near L2 Colony
Blood Type : B
Height : 156cm (1.56m)
Weight : 43 kg
Eye Colour : Cobalt Blue
Hair Colour : Brown
Calls himself : Shinigami (God Of Death)
Family : Orphan
Mobile suits : Deathscythe, Deathscythe Hell, Deathscythe Hell Custom
Hair Length (?) : 32.5 cm (Did anyone ever measure his hair length??? Wow!)
Special Feature : His long braid
His Abilities : Exceptional in combating skills
Personality: Optimistic, cheerful and (even)talkative. He keeps everything unpleasant inside. He completes his missions well, with a happy - go - lucky character. ^_^
This part is copied from the The Gundam Project
The pilot of the Gundam Deathscythe, Duo is as jolly and happy-go-lucky as Gundam pilots get. He persists in offering his friendship to the initially hostile Heero, eventually winning his antisocial comrade's trust through sheer persistence. But despite his friendly nature, Duo earns his "God of Death" nickname when he takes on Alliance and OZ soldiers in battle.
Prior to Operation Meteor, Duo was part of the spacegoing salvage organization known as the Sweeper Group, and on Earth he is assisted by the Sweepers' seafaring kinsfolk. When there is a lull in the fighting, Duo happily returns to his salvage-merchant's trade. He is distinguished by his black wardrobe, his yard-long braided ponytail, and his minister's collar.

Duo Pics, a few pics of Duo.
Deathscythe, Duo's Gundam.

Index | Quatre Winner |Heero Yuy | Duo Maxwell |Trowa Barton | Chang Wufei | Zechs Merquise | Relena Peacecraft | Lady Une | Treiz Kushrenada