Mobile Suit Leo

Mobile Suit Leo
Height : 16.2 m
Base weight : 7.0 t
Armor materials : Titanium
Standard armament :
105 mm. Rifle, Beam Rifle, Bazooka, Dover Gun, Beam Sabre X2, etc.
Ability levels :
Fighting ability 100
Weapons ability 100
Speed ability 100
Power ability 100
Armored ability 100

The Leo can be considered the direct descendant of the Tallgeese; it looks ver similar to it although without the jet boosters or cannon. There are many variations (such as Early Type and Space Type) and much optional weaponry. It was rendered obsolete by the Taurus and the Mobile Dolls.

Index | Leo | Aries | Taurus | Pisces | Cancer | Tragos | Virgo | Maganac