Quatre Raberba Winner

Name : Quatre Raberba Winner
Identity / background : Pilot Of Gundam Sandrock, Sandrock Custom (It appear in Endless Waltz)
Gender : Male
Age : 15 (in the 49-episode series) 16 (in Endless Waltz)
Nationality : Arabian
Place Of birth : L4 Colony
Blood Type : O
Height : 156cm (1.56m)
Weight : 41 kg
Eye Colour : Prussian Blue
Hair Colour : Platinum Blond
Family : Father, 29 older sisters (from different mothers), 40 Maganacs with MS
Mobile suits : Gundam Sandrock and Sandrock Custom
Special Feature : Blond, caucasian bishonen. Resembles both parents
His Abilities : The only one in among his people who has the talent and can master the piloting of gundam. His is the sole Gundam managed independently. He has a genius-like combat handling ability.
Personality : By nature, he is very gentle and mild. Excels in painting and music, which displays his "genius skin" talent. Calm and cautious. Talented in arts and music.
Quatre is good in : Maneuvering air and land vehicles
Music and art
Battle tactics
This part is copied from the The Gundam Project
The friendly, empathetic pilot of the Gundam Sandrock, Quatre is unusually tender-hearted for a Gundam pilot. He is the only son of a wealthy family of space colony builders, with 29 older sisters and a stern pacifist father who disapproves of his going into combat. Though Quatre himself abhors bloodshed, he feels compelled to fight to protect his loved ones.
While Quatre lacks the fighting prowess and ruthlessness of his fellow Gundam pilots, he does have excellent family connections, almost unlimited cash, and a troop of forty loyal underlings at his disposal. His gentle personality quickly wins over his fellow Gundam pilot Trowa Barton, and he eventually becomes the de facto leader of the Gundam pilots.

Quatre Pics, a few pics of Quatre.
Sandrock, Quatre's Gundam.

Index | Quatre Winner |Heero Yuy | Duo Maxwell |Trowa Barton | Chang Wufei | Zechs Merquise | Relena Peacecraft | Lady Une | Treiz Kushrenada