Relena Dorlian/Peacecraft

Name : Relena Dorlian
Real Name :Relena Peacecraft
Mobile Suit: None....hehe
Gender : Female
Age : 15
Nationality : somewhere in Northern European
Place Of Birth : Sank Kingdom
Height : 5'1"
Weight : 88 Ib.s
Eye Color : Blue
Hair Colour :blond

Relena Peacecraft the only person at the beginning of the Gundam Wing series that knows Heero Yuy's true identity. Through out the series Heero attempts to kill Relena so no one knows his identity but can never go through with it. Relena Peacecraft finds out from her father Mr. Dorlian that she was taken in as the Sank Kingdom was undergoing war. She then becomes the leader of the Sank Kingdom instead of Miliardo Peacecraft. Relena over all is a warm hearted young women and will try make all people live in peace.

relena's Pics, a few pics of Relena.

Index | Quatre Winner |Heero Yuy | Duo Maxwell |Trowa Barton | Chang Wufei | Zechs Merquise | Relena Peacecraft | Lady Une | Treiz Kushrenada