Treiz Khushrenada

Name : Treiz Khushrenada
Mobile Suit: Epyon and tallgeese II (2)
Gender : male
Age : 24
Nationality : Aryan
Place Of Birth : ?
Height : 181cm
Weight : 68kg
Eye Color : Ice Blue
Hair Colour :brown

Treiz was the leader of OZ, until he broke off with the Romafeller Foundation to fight them. His trusted friend is Zechs Merquise until they disagree and being to battle against eachother. Leading armys in to battle on opposing sides.....Treiz ends up being killed by Wufei in the end.

Treiz's Pics, a few pics of Treiz.

Index | Quatre Winner |Heero Yuy | Duo Maxwell |Trowa Barton | Chang Wufei | Zechs Merquise | Relena Peacecraft | Lady Une | Treiz Kushrenada