Chang Wufei

Name : Chang Wufei
Identity / Background : Pilot of Gundam Shenlong, Altlong
Gender : Male
Age : 15 (in the 49 - episode series) 16 (in Endless Waltz)
Nationality : Chinese
Place Of Birth : L5 Colony Cluster
Blood Type : ?
Height : 156cm (1.56m)
Weight : 46 kg
Eye Colour : Black
Hair Colour : Black
Family : Meiran (now dead)
Mobile suits : Shenlong, Altlong
His Abilities : Exceptional in combating skills, sword fighting, hand-to-hand combat.
Personality: Dark, Honorable, takes a loss personaly, very egoistic, doesnt like to lose because of honor and tradition (when he loses a sword duel,but the enemy spares his life,he hardly thinks himself worthy to pilot his Gundam)
This part is copied from the The Gundam Project
The stern pilot of the Shenlong Gundam is the proud offspring of a legendary warrior clan, who were exiled from China to a decrepit space colony by a fearful government. Wufei adheres to a strict code of honor and justice, seeking to protect the weak and punish the guilty. But his pride is something of a weak point - when pushed too far, Wufei's huge ego has a tendency to break.
Unlike the other Gundam pilots, even the relatively antisocial Heero and Trowa, Wufei prefers to operate alone and frequently seems to have a better idea what's going on than his blundering fellows. His only companion is his Gundam, which he calls "Nataku" after the Chinese mythological hero.

Wufei Pics, a few pics of Wufei.
Shenlong, Wufei's Gundam.

Index | Quatre Winner |Heero Yuy | Duo Maxwell |Trowa Barton | Chang Wufei | Zechs Merquise | Relena Peacecraft | Lady Une | Treiz Kushrenada