Zechs Merquise/Miliardo Peacecraft

Name : Zechs Merquise
Real Name :Miliardo Peacecraft
Mobile Suit/Suits: Pilot of Tallgeese I, Wing Gundam Zero ,and Epyon
Gender : Male
Age : 19 (?)
Nationality : somewhere in Northern European
Place Of Birth : Sank Kingdom
Height : 184cm
Weight : 76kg
Eye Colour : Blue
Hair Colour : Platinum blond

Zechs Merquise started out as a high ranking Oz officer. He pilots the old Tallgeese Mobile Suit. When he breaks off from OZ, he goes into space to try to help the colonies. He, later, becomes the leader of the White Fang. With the White Fang, he launches an all-out war against the Earth.

Zechs' Pics, a few pics of Zechs.
Epyon, One of Zechs' Gundam.

Index | Quatre Winner |Heero Yuy | Duo Maxwell |Trowa Barton | Chang Wufei | Zechs Merquise | Relena Peacecraft | Lady Une | Treiz Kushrenada